This is a story about Sean*, who struggled with substance use. The HopeLine initially met Sean during September of 2023. When Corean first met Sean in March 2024, he was living in the woods by a river with his beloved dogs. Like many experiencing homelessness and battling substance use disorder, Sean’s strong bond with his pets made him reluctant to seek treatment, afraid to leave them behind. But Corean, alongside the Quick Response Team (QRT), refused to give up on Sean. Week after week, she persisted, determined to help him get to treatment.
In time, Corean introduced Sean to a treatment provider, and both helped establish a sense of trust with him. Though hesitant, Sean began to consider the possibility of treatment and agreed to have his dogs picked up by the dog warden so he could focus on treatment. His turning point came in a moment of crisis. On the day they went to pick up Sean, Corean and found Sean severely intoxicated and dangerously close to death, trapped by a flooded river. Working with the fire departments of Franklin and Carlisle, Corean helped coordinate Sean’s rescue. Once safely brought to shore, Sean was rushed to the hospital, where doctors said he had been on the brink of death.
After recovering at the hospital, Sean entered treatment. Supported by Corean and the broader community, Sean completed his treatment and, by October 2024, celebrated six months of sobriety. Today, he’s employed at a well-regarded university and is doing well, a testament to the power of persistence, teamwork, and hope.
* Names are altered to protect the identity and privacy of our clients.